Monday, 25 November 2019

Why I speak about the Antichrist!

Below is a first reason why I choose this topic and consider it important to communicate to those who are willing to listen. In the word of St. Cyril is in a short way all that is important to know why this issue must come up!

St. Cyril: "Prepare yourself therefore, O man, you hear of the signs of the Antichrist - do not just remember them, but share them freely with your surroundings." If you have a child for the flesh, do not hesitate, close it If you are a teacher, prepare your spiritual children so that they do not take the wrong thing for the truth, for the mystery is already working. "

Thursday, 21 November 2019

ANOTHER SPIRIT - a personal testimony to the pontificate of Pope Francis

It is important to take note of this personal testimony of me in order to understand my critical attitude toward the current course of the Church. All of the following articles are explained by my decision to follow Pope Francis only if he himself is fully faithful to the teachings of the Church. If doubts and ambiguities arise from the statements and actions of Pope Francis, they must be raised in order to find clarification.