Thursday, 30 January 2020


I cannot hide the fact that one of the greatest concerns for me in relation to this Pontificate is that the door of the Church is being opened wide so that the anti-Christian spirit can operate in it. In this sense and from this perspective, I try to discern and reflect on certain activities and decisions of the present Pontificate.

In such a task, the great difficulty is related to the fact that we, as Catholics, are used to placing our trust in the Pope. Honestly, we find it difficult to believe that he, who is the guarantor and rock of our faith, could represent a danger to the Church's way.

However, we cannot close our eyes, when we identify wrong decisions by the Pope and the present hierarchy, or when, at least we have the impression that the direction taken might not be the right one.

Today's topic must be approached with caution, since it is the Pope's plan for the near future, and we cannot yet see concrete results. However, it is necessary to examine the spirit of such projects already beforehand, since this spirit already manifests itself in other previous actions of this Pontificate, as I have explained in the former publications of this Blog[1].


According to a Vatican declaration dated September 12, 2019, the Pope is inviting representatives of the main religions, international organizations and various humanitarian institutions, as well as key figures from the world of politics, economics and academia, and prominent athletes, scientists and sociologists to sign a ‘Global Pact on Education’ so as to ‘hand on to younger generations a united and fraternal common home.'[2]

“A global educational pact is needed to educate us in universal solidarity and a new humanism”, said the Pope in a video message to launch the initiative[3].

The Pope went on to say that, "in order to reach these global objectives,” as an “educating village” we must “have the courage to place the human person at the center”.

The Wanderer, the oldest Catholic newspaper in the United States, asked Cardinal Burke the following question[4]:

It has been reported that Pope Francis will be hosting an event at the Vatican in May 2020 with the theme Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance. In launching the initiative, the Holy Father said: “A global educational pact is needed to educate us in universal solidarity and a new humanism.” What is the impetus behind this meeting and what is likely to be accomplished? It sounds like an event to promote a one-world government.

To which Cardinal Burke replies: "It is."

And in another part of the same interview he states:

"The idea of a one-world government is fundamentally the same phenomenon that was displayed by the builders of the Tower of Babel who presumed to exercise the power of God on earth to unite heaven with earth, which is simply incorrect. What we truly need is a religious conversion, in other words, a strong teaching and practice of faith in God and obedience to the order with which He has created us".

A world government

There is an idea, which has been voiced by politicians as well as by other public figures, that it would be necessary to create a kind of world government, which could provide a peaceful and humanitarian solution to the various problems of humanity.

It is clear that a New World Order such as this could have immense power, and that, thanks to current technical means, it would be possible for it to have almost total control over its citizens.

We must agree with Cardinal Burke when he says that such concepts would correspond to the building of a giant human empire, and would thus be similar to the construction of the Tower of Babel, which represents man's boast.

Unfortunately, the claim to build a New World Order does not correspond only to the abstruse ideas of individual people. We know the great ideologies in the past that claimed to encompass the whole world. Let us think of the communism of the Soviet Union or of National Socialism in Germany; let us think of the present situation in China, etc.

Those who defend such ideas claim that, from a political perspective, a world government would be needed to which everyone would submit, or at least with which everyone would cooperate, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.

In order to establish such a regime, external circumstances are required that make it seem indispensable: environmental catastrophes, famines, the collapse of the financial system, etc. This would be the ideal scenario for an anti-Christian figure or the last Antichrist announced by Sacred Scripture to appear, showing himself to be a charismatic authority, with concrete proposals and plans, as well as the necessary financial means, to apparently solve the pending problems.

In this context, it is worth remembering the figure of the Antichrist described by Vladimir Soloviev, who, as a charismatic politician, possesses the concept and the means to quickly resolve the material problems of humanity[5].

It must be kept in mind that behind the political authorities that appear in the public sphere, there are also other positions of power and decision making. Think of the banks, people with immense wealth, such as Bill Gates (the owner of Microsoft) and George Soros; communication giants such as Google; wealthy and influential family clans such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers; just to mention a few names... Here, governments are being influenced behind the scenes. We can also assume that various esoteric societies, rather hidden from the public sphere, are exerting influence, such as the so-called "Lucifer trust" ("Lucis trust"), which seems to have a consulting status at the UN.

Then, according to these plans, a kind of universal government should be created among men (the United Nations could be supposed to be the executing body), which, according to various observers, would in turn be supported by a kind of "universal religion".

It is clear that such a structure would defend ethical values that do not correspond to our faith. One need only think of abortion, which would certainly be used as an instrument of birth control, as, in fact, is already being done. Now: a world government that commits such a crime would have in a decisive point an anti-Christian, and even anti-human character. If we look at the political position of the United Nations on such issues, we could not be under the illusion that a good institution could be built for humanity, even if it would achieve a period of apparent peace and find better solutions to the problem of poverty.

Global Education Pact

If we have as a background these obscure plans to raise a New World Order at the time of discerning the invitation and projects of the Pope, the serious question could arise, whether this initiative would not conform to such political conceptions.

A global educational program, promoted by the Pope, the supreme custodian of the faith; which propagates a "new humanism"... From the perspective of the discernment of spirits, it is necessary to question whether this really comes from an impulse of the Holy Spirit.

What should this new humanism be, and what does it mean to "place the human person at the center"?

At the outset, it is somewhat strange that the intention is to establish an educational program together with representatives of other religions and people from diverse social positions... and that the initiative comes from the Church! What is the common denominator that one has? It does not seem to be the Catholic faith, the proclamation of which has been entrusted to the Church... But if the foundation for the education of the present and future generations is not true faith in God and the values that flow from it, what then will the foundation be?

If we detach the universally accepted human values from their point of origin, namely, to be God's gifts and witnesses to His goodness, then our eyes are no longer open in gratitude to the loving God, the author of all good. In this way, man really places himself in the center. Even if one does not want to consciously exclude God from such projects and introduce some general spirituality into the programs of global education, from the Catholic perspective, the starting point would already be marked by a religious relativism, as we also noticed in the Declaration of Abu-Dhabi. And this relativism falsifies the true image of God, and therefore also the authentic faith, which for Catholics must be the foundation of all education.

We cannot see this initiative of the Pope in isolation from other previous activities of his. We must remember that, in the Declaration of Abu-Dhabi, he officially designated the diversity of religions as willed by God, and this mistaken vision continues to spread. Also the scandal of the Pachamama cult, as an evident attack on the First Commandment, was neither corrected nor rejected. Here we can see clear manifestations of a relativistic understanding of faith.

Every authentic educational program that is initiated by the Church should be at the service of the proclamation of the faith, whether directly or indirectly. But in a "Global Education Pact", with the participation of many different currents, this would not be possible, and, taking into account the direction and previous statements of Pope Francis, this may not even be the intention. Thus, education, which can be a fine instrument of evangelization, loses its deepest meaning, placing itself at the service of merely human values, such as solidarity, ecological awareness in order to transmit to future generations a fraternal "common home"... But this could also be done by Freemasons or other similar groups; and even by the Communists, who in their hymn acclaim international solidarity!

It would be different if the Church were to examine such projects coming from outside her. In this case, she could discern what she could relate to the mission that is proper to her, and how she could promote good initiatives, so that they come into contact with the faith. But if the Church itself is the promoter, then the clear Catholic profile, and therefore the mission, can never be abandoned.

Although one can and should address people of good will, their participation in a common project, whether for peace, environmental protection, etc., should not lead to a weakening of the truth entrusted to the Church, because good will alone is not enough to do the right thing. The will must be guided by the Spirit of God, and this is precisely the Church's task.

In the project of this Global Education Pact, according to what is known so far, not only is there no clear Catholic profile, but one is surprised at the primarily horizontal character of the invitation. That is why it is important to examine whether this "other spirit" is at work here, which, apparently doing good, ends up obscuring the relationship with God. If man is placed at the centre, such an initiative can even become an instrument of anti-Christian influence on people. For this reason it is necessary to observe very carefully and critically the steps taken. Under no circumstances can the Church afford to prepare the ground for the emergence of this hybrid world government that seems to be forming, and thus assume the role of a false prophet.


In my opinion, we should definitely support the wise statement of Cardinal Burke in the aforementioned interview:

"What we truly need is a religious conversion, in other words, a strong teaching and practice of faith in God and obedience to the order with which He has created us."

This touches the core of the Church's mission! There will only be hope in the authentic encounter with God and the following of Christ that results from this encounter. Therefore, in the face of global projects and networks such as the planned Education Pact, the proclamation of the Gospel, without cutbacks, becomes more necessary than ever. The Catholic Church should take from her riches and offer them in an appropriate way to people who are searching for God - this is a charge from the Lord! Indeed, the great unity among peoples can only come to fruition in a believing Church. A spiritual entity that seeks to rise above it will always have luciferic traits.

Political realities will be fruitful for the Kingdom of God insofar as they are built up by people who consciously serve in responsibility before God and cling to him in their hearts. Then legislation will also be generated that truly serves man.


Unfortunately, we must be very attentive to what is happening in this Pontificate, discerning it in the light of the Gospel and doctrine. We are no longer at a time when one could confidently abandon oneself in the direction of the Church's hierarchy. If this "other spirit" is at work in the Church, it must be identified and rejected.

Now we must wait for the text that the Pope will publish in relation to the Synod of the Amazon. Cardinal Sarah's book, with the participation of Pope Benedict XVI, in defense of celibacy, is certainly useful so that this valuable and fruitful way of life is not lost.

[5] See Vladimir Soloviev's „Short Tale of the Antichrist“

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